News and blog coverage about The Skinny Mirror
The Skinny Mirror : The Shift in Perspective (and Priorities)
The Top 5 Reasons why I decided to stop making The Skinny Mirror 1. The product works really well, too well. It works both at home and in commercial applications. Basically, the mirror taught me to fuc* what anyone else thinks about you. If you can look in the mirror and convince yourself that you [...]
What ABC Didn’t Air - The Skinny Mirror on Shark Tank
What They Didn't Show You on Shark Tank. UPDATE: 01/01/2016 HAPPY NEW YEAR! By Belinda Jasmine-Bertzfield It was awesome getting all that exposure, but there are a couple key facts they did not air about The Skinny Mirror on Shark Tank. We felt it was important to post these facts about our company because [...]
The Fitting Room Mirror That Will MAKE Your Sale
The Skinny Mirror Fitting Room Mirror Increases Sales and Customer's Self-Esteem. For some time now, only a few retailers have caught on to the impact of "skinny" mirrors. Others have left it up to chance to how their fitting room mirror affects their customer shopping experience. Many shoppers have even dreaded dressing rooms because they [...]
The Message Locked in The Skinny Mirror - You are Beautiful
You Are Beautiful. When was the last time someone told you "You Are Beautiful."? Every mirror comes with the message inside that "You are Beautiful" - just as you are. There's a much deeper reason why The Skinny Mirror works. The Skinny Mirror shows you that YOU can CHOOSE how to feel about your body and your Self. How? First, we need [...]
Love Your Body - Love Your Self
Whenever Valentine's Day approaches, the idea of LOVE comes in and out of our minds more often than any other time of the year. The word LOVE itself holds different meanings and may bring up a range of emotions for every one of us. For some, it is something longed for, foolish and unattainable, or a doorway to a range of hurtful emotions. But more often we [...]
The Skinny Mirror - This is What You Really Look Like
For Immediate Release New Study Reveals The Skinny Mirror shows women a reflection closer to what they really look like. Sand City, CA 93955 January 5, 2015 A recent study conducted in Sweden compared the effect a normal mirror and The Skinny Mirror has on female perception, attitude, and body image. The experiment consisted of [...]
Dressing Room Mirrors - They Will Make or Break a Sale
Dressing Room Mirror Reflections. Your dressing room mirrors could be costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales. Your dressing rooms are one of the most important parts of your retail clothing business. It will affect the buying decisions of every single person who enters to try on garments. Each time a customer tries [...]
The Skinny Mirror Weight Loss Tip No. 1 - Save The Dressing for your Mirror
The Skinny Mirror Weight Loss TIP NO. 1 : Save The Dressing for Your Mirror For those of you trying to lose weight and/or get healthy, The Skinny Mirror can be a great motivation tool if used properly. There is no quick way to lose weight or get healthy. It starts with the goal to make [...]
The Gloss - The Skinny Mirror
Can A Skinny Mirror Make You Feel Good If You Know It’s Lying? by Elizabeth Licata | Sat, Jul 27 - 2:00 pm ET My grandmother always said that if her house burned down, the one thing she’d rescue was her mirror. It wasn’t particularly valuable, but she thought it made her look taller and [...]